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U.S. Peanuts

Harness the power of peanuts to craft snacks, spreads or beverages that not only nourish the body, but feed the soul. Stand out on the shelf and turn consumers into fans who return to your products time and again with our delicious, nutritious, protein-packed peanuts.


Runner peanuts are the most commonly grown peanuts in the U.S. and are the most common peanut type used in peanut butter manufacturing.


Spanish peanuts have smaller kernels and tend to be “nuttier” in flavor when roasted. They are typically used for peanut candy, salted peanuts, coated peanuts, and peanut butter.


Typically found in gourmet snacks, high-quality peanut butter and salted roasted in shell applications, Virginia peanuts have the largest kernel size of all peanut types and are often referred to as “ballpark peanuts.”

TypeSuper 7/9Jumbo 9/11Fancy
TypeJumbo#1#2MedSplitsXLSuper XL
*Organic versions available.

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