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Peanut products for manufacturers

We offer a full line of premium and nutritious wholesale peanut products. All of our products are non-GMO, inherently gluten-free, and kosher. Whether you are looking for raw peanuts, peanut oil, peanut flour or hull and fiber, Golden Peanut has the product to meet your needs for nutrition, safety and sustainability.

Connect with Golden Peanut to get started on your next nutrition-rich products.

With our diverse footprint across the U.S. and Argentina, Golden Peanut offers raw shelled and in-shell bulk quantity peanuts in all grades of Runner, Virginia and Spanish types, as well as blanched and organic peanuts.

Our full line of partially defatted peanut flours is available in either 12% or 28% fat levels. Each fat level comes in a variety of roast levels. Peanut flours are perfect for adding protein and flavor to nutritional bars, confections, baked goods, beverages, seasonings, sauces, and frozen dairy desserts. Organic versions are available.

Produced at Golden Peanut’s Dawson, Georgia crushing plant, peanut meal contains high levels of protein vegetable meal and is sold in bulk, primarily for animal feed and fertilizers.